Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

Thanksgiving Dinner

Happy Turkey day to all of you. Just a quick post to wish you all well this holiday season if you celebrate it!!

I'm doing ok on the healthy eating this week and will probably start weighing in next week. Looks like I've stopped the upward trend and hope to get in some exercise this week as I have more time. Finished my two tests for the week at school and felt like they went pretty well. The rest of the week I am off, wooooohooooo! Love the holiday break but I do have to get in some studying time still.

I'm going to a play on Saturday and then start my xmas shopping and spending time with my family and with my mom and 2 sisters this weekend. That will be nice. My mom got back in one piece from Morocco but haven't heard much about the trip yet as she is jet-lagged. I'll see her on Thanksgiving and hear the stories.

I'll get back to blogging more next week and take care. I hope I survive the turkey day food extravaganza.


Christine said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you American folks. Enjoy everything and your time with your family.

Chris H said...

Enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, it does afterall only come around once a year!

Apple2Hourglass said...

Are Turkey Day and thanksgiving the same thing? Sorry for my ignorance!

Anonymous said...

hey Angel,

don't worry about the gain, each day is a new day, forget the past and just concentrate on the now. Lord knows there is no point fretting about what is already done.

take care, i'm reading!

"The Captain" said...

Happy Thanksgiving Angel.

Tully said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the time with your family. :-)

Glad to hear you are feeling more positive about your weight.

Moby Dick said...

Hope you have been having a great Thanksgiving!