Sunday, March 16, 2008

Not much to say...

Not much to say today....sometimes I get bored with the blog. Just too busy. I'm studying for finals that are are Monday and Wednesday and I'm feeling overwhelmed trying to remember everything I've ever learned all quarter. I know it'll be over soon and I can have a mini break. I wish I could go somewhere! But my son is still in school so I'll be working around the house and really don't have the money to spend anyway.

Stop by and say 'hi' and tell me what you are up to. I'll visit your blogs soon when I get some free time. I'm starting to hate the library. I feel like life is passing me by as I sit and study but whatcha gonna do?

I'm also feeling stress from my clinical intern work. It seems her style of teaching is me just me listening and her talking. If I say something she says 'just listen'. It's maddening and I'm trying to understand where she is coming from. My style of learning is interaction and asking questions. I do have a tendency to talk a bit too much at times but I don't really think that is the case here. I've been trying to keep quiet as a mouse. It's hard do to at my age....I'm no 18 year old here.... I know I have to bear it and do it their way. I have at least a year and 4 months more of this. Can I stand it? I know, it's hard to explain here what I'm talking about. I think it's a chance to look at how I interact with others and how they respond and try to figure out why she would be angry at me. I don't believe in someone treating you like a child and 'speak when spoken to' and wonder if I can last this place, this program. I think it has to do with her being a school age teacher to children long ago. We just lost another one of our students. I guess she works a lot and couldn't handle the pressure or not getting the physics. We started with 24 and now down to 19 students. I hope we don't lose more people.

Ok, I need to get ready for the day and take a few hours out to take my son to a playdate and get to know the other mom as I haven't had much chance for that this year.

Have a great week.


Unknown said...

Awww Patty, I would be swinging from fuming to dejected with regard to your clinical intern work! :-(

Hang in there!

I just did an 8.4km Fun Run/Walk, and my legs are pretty sore!

Chris H said...

Hang in there chick, most things are worth putting up with for the end goal. Sounds like your 'teacher' is used to dealing with kids for sure! Hope it gets better chick.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

I'm with Chris... it isnt forever ...
Just try to soak in all the info you can... grin and bear it... how are the others coping with that sort of treatment??? Is there anyone you can go to above this woman to speak with about not being able to ask questions???

Meow Meow said...

Every teacher is different...I have some days better than others as a teacher.

Hope your play date went well.

One day at a time is what I keep telling myself

celtic_girl said...

Can you ask to speak to this person and let her know whay your feeling. I have alway sfound the direct approach work best,or are you able to ask for a change maybe.

Try not to stress tomuch over your finals,I'm sure you will do well.

Moby Dick said...

Sounds like the old bag is a major beeyatch. She only knows one way to teach, she has a one-track mind, and she cannot interact with you because it will derail her rote teaching. She sucks, but you will just have to tough it out. Unfortunately, in life we are rarely matched with our perfect counter-parts.