Sunday, September 10, 2006

trying to practice patience and interesting tv show

I'm up surfing around the net at wt loss blogs. But now I'm addicted and have like 30 on my favorites list and it takes so much time to visit them all! I'm always on the lookout for some interesting reading and some motivation and hearing what works for others and how they are doing on their wt loss journeys. Like I've said this week, seems I'm in a maintaining state which isn't so bad given the alternative of gaining. I wi tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. I walked like 3 plus miles today even though my ankle is giving me some trouble but I'm tired of waiting on it and want to get this flab off! Was looking at the public tv station here, think it's ktbs and they had a guy on there w/ a book called 'kiss the fat goodbye' or something like that. I only caught a few minutes of it and one thing he said that struck me was that he believes (not sure if he has research on this) that artificial sweeteners and caffeine both cause depression and if he had his way they would be outlawed in the US. Wow, it just kind of got to me. Could this be true? Is my diet coke habit a cause for my periods of unhappiness. God, I have been drinking the stuff for 20 plus years. I always thought they'd find some research that will say, this stuff will kill you. I really have tapered off and went to caffeine free diet coke and have been drinking lots of water on ww diet but I haven't kicked the habit. Of course, when I'm out at a restaurant and order a diet coke I'm sure it's got all the caffeine in it. I'm not a coffee drinker so at least I'm not getting an overload of caffeine. I remember a long time ago (when I drank caff. diet coke) I would get headaches when I tried to limit my consumption of the stuff and I was just thinking, this is not good! I really have been trying to eat healthy and cut out any trans fat cause I know they are bad for you and in just about anything prepackaged. Trying to stay w/ the fruits and vegetables and lean protein and whole grains and brown rice, etc. Trying to stay away from the white breads and rice but I do love potatoes once in a while. I don't want to cut out potatoes cause I figure if you love them, why live w/out them. I will just limit them and have them just once in a while and at home where I can control how much fat they have in them. I really have given up french fries in the restaurants, I know how bad they are for you and I'm not craving them. I still have the cravings for pizza once in a while but try a lean cuisine or other and it seems to keep the craving at bay. Goodnight all.


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Just thought i would drop by and give you some support.... I know I need it too.. I have also become addicted to weight loss blogs and love reading how everyone is doing...
Keep up the gr8 work...
i'll be popping back for a visit to see how you are doing again soon...
Cheers WBS

*Christie* said...

A world without potatoes would not be a world I would want to live in.
Green Giant makes some frozen potatoes in cheese sauce with broccoli, it's really good, low-points, and quick and easy.

I'm addicted to reading blogs, too. I like to start my day that way. Helps me get into the right mindset.

angelfish24 said...

Thanks for visiting wanna b slim, I just went to check out your blog. Christie, I will look for those potatoes, sounds good. I know the OreIda Obrien potatoes are too bad on the pts but I haven't tried them in a long time. Sometimes I'll take just a regular russet potato, slice them up or spray w/ olive oil or some spices and cook bake them. Almost like reg. fries but better for you.