Friday, June 08, 2007

School news and the end of year hoe-down

Finally my school news! Got into my radiology school! woohoo! I thought I would as this is my 2nd year applying and I have a 3.9gpa for chrisakes. A 4.0gpa is straight A's. I was thinking, this isn't medical school,how perfect do they want you to be. I actually thought about the nursing school for a second but I really didn't want to go that way but there are so many jobs out there in nursing. For an xray tech or other it may be a little more challenging to find a job when I get done. I will start in September so I'm excited for the challenge.
My mom visited and we went to my son's end of year school 'Hoe-down'. Here's a picture of him. They had to make their own vests out of paper bags, of course with a little help. He wanted his green hair/bangs from the haircut he got. He was so funny. He said he was a little nervous as they made them first come out one by one and sit on the saddle and they talked about what trait they liked about each child and what they wanted to grow up to be. This age is so cute. So, on to kindergarten next year, woohoo! We have been going to a christian school this year and I think I will continue on with a similar one next year. As when I started checking on regular public school with a daycare combination, it's just about the same price, so we'll see what we decide.
The scale if finally going down. I know, I should get on it daily but it was down a pound so we'll see if I can hold on to that or lose more by next Wednesday. I may not go back to wt watchers as I was just getting frustrated. I know what I need to do, I just have to do it consistantly. I will go to the gym today and am shooting for 5 days this week.
One question for any of you out there. For exercise wear, where do you shop? I usually just wear the odd t-shirt and sweats from wherever like Target or Sports Authority but I never usually look too smashing. I started to look online like at or others but we'll see. Now, I'm looking for a tri outfit for the race in August. I may buy one at REI (outdoor outfitters around here) as I need something to swim in and then go straight to the bike without any changing. I'm already stressing over the spandex options. It won't be pretty. HA! I know, just get over it already, but it's not that easy when you got a stomach pooch and are overweight. Arrrggghhh.
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! We have rain coming, yuck.


Kim L said...

Congrats on the loss. Your son looks absolutely adorable!

I am shopping a Lane Bryant for my workout gear. I wear their regular tshirts for my workouts. I've had a hard time with sports bras, however, and have bought several from I'm a busty girl, so even if the rest of me was normal-sized, I'd have a hard time buying bras.

Chris H said...

WOOO BLOOODY HOOO, you got into the school!!! I am so happy for you.... havn't even read the rest of your post... just saw that bit of news and had to comment!!! What a neat start to the weekend!

Chris H said...

Ok, read it all now... your son looks soooo cute! And as for exercise wear, I wear 3/4 track pants and any old t-shirt... I don't give a shit about looking "trendy/sporty" or anything else... I'm there to work out, not go to a fashion catwalk! Or pose.... like some of the skinny chicks ....

Christine said...

Hey - congrats on your schooling! You must be really proud of yourself. :) As far as gym clothes - I think that a t shirt and jogging pants are fine - I cringe at the gals with the sports bras, tight pants, all the butt crack tattoos showing - perfect hair and hoop earrings. Yeah - like you need to be here! Blah! Keep up the good work - will check in with you soon.

celtic_girl said...

Congratulations for being accepted, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
I spent the last few years of my nursing career in Radiology in the Cardiac Catheter Lab and CT Scanner, it was very interesting. Your son looks so cute in his western outfit.

Living to Feel Good said...

WOooHOoOOOooo Congrats to you for getting into the school!! YES!!!

Your son is soooo cute. I can't wait for those days!

I get my workout pants at Everlast (the boxing company). I've gotten some of my clothes at Target, but the pants never fit me right. I also have long legs, and the Everlast pants have always been the right length.

Congrats again to you! :D

"The Captain" said...

I get a lot of bargains at factor 2 u

Kyra said...

CONGRATS on the school and the grades!!!!!

As far as workout gear, I like They have some sassy stuff (and some stuff you wouldn't wear under threat of death, so you have to sort of go through it). I also have had good luck with and

Sally JPA said...

I was like, is that kid's hair green?? Yep. heehee

Sally JPA said...

Oh, and for exercise wear, having something that wicks sweat away is IMPERATIVE to me, so I get CoolMax clothes and the like. I wear the length of work-out pants that is a cross between short and pants--shorter than capris . . . like the 12" long workout pants on

And if you have big breasts, you cannot beat the Enell sports bra. I buy mine from