Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Had a loss!!!

Had a 2 pound loss this week! Wooooohoooo!!! Finally a decent loss. I have been dicking around (sorry about the term) for weeks going up and down just a little. Now that I read that sentence it doesn't sound too good. Ha! I think my exercise has finally paid off and I will continue on with the plan to do it 5 days a weeks. Right now I'm doing walking, bike riding, jogging (a little), wt training and occasional yoga and/or stretching. I may try pilates soon though I do have the windsor pilates tapes I could start up again. I know how important yoga or pilates or stretching really is for your body.

I am having issues with my left knee when I bike long distances. (only the one, weird) Not sure what's going on there but by hubby says I'm not fitted properly for my bike. I don't know what they could do to change it, I've tried lowering the seat. Maybe I'll try adjusting the handle bars. I don't know. I asked a trainer at the gym for advice about the knee and I will try more wt training on the leg to strenghthen it. It's a drag because eventually (for the tri race) I will need to do the biking and then go straight to the running and my knee is making this impossible. I seems to go away within a day or 2 and it isn't even sore from jogging. But, when I go back on the bike, after about 10 miles the pain starts again. Frustrating! Oh well, it's life.

Here's some of my reasons to stay motivated to lose the lard:

1) If I don't lose weight now, for good, when will I do it? I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to be older and with health problems due to weight.
2) I need to put myself first on some days. This is hard with a family, but if I don't have my health and feel good about myself, it will reflect on my relationships with them. My son can go in the daycare at the gym or I can hook up the 1/2 bike to mine and give it a go by pulling him along with me. Or he can come to the track with me and if he doesn't want to walk he can play with his toys while I jog around. No excuses, now that's it almost summer and he will be home with me all the time.
3) It's sad when my 5 year old can outrun me, that will change soon!
4) I'm tired of being the overweight friend when one of my friends has run a marathon and one a very long bike ride race. Oh, yeah, and the husband that does all the tri races. They aren't any younger than me so that's just an excuse. I'm not using my body to it's full potential!
5) I'm tired of being embarrassed about my weight. Maybe we've all had them. The time you seemed to overweight to do something or the time when you felt everyone was looking at how big you are, or worse, they made a comment about your weight. Of course, this lessened when I started losing but, I don't want this feeling anymore!!
6) I need to lose some more lard before the tri race in August! It makes it so much harder to exercise carrying all this extra weight. My goal is to be below 200 by August 31.

What are you reasons to stay motivated? If you are young, lose the weight now! Don't yo-yo up and down in weight like I have done for 15 years. First, just an extra 20 pounds but then as the years went by it just increased and increased and especially after having a child. It seems so much harder to lose now that I'm older. It get so tiring fighting the yo-yo battle and it's gotta end. And if your older, do it now! It is never too late! In the future, I want to be that retired person who is fit and active not sitting around just chatting and eating donuts. This will be one of the hardest battles of our lives but it will be so worth it in the end, don't ya think?

Ok, that's my pep talk for today for myself and for anyone else that can use one. Have a great week everyone!


Chris H said...

Yaaa hooo for a decent loss mate! And my motto of late is "Use it or lose it".... and I too want to run faster than my 5 year old... actually I can already!!! so neat.

Kim said...

CONGRATS ON THE TWO POUNDS!!!! That's wonderful news!!!

You gave me a lot to think about - I've got to do some serious soul searching and figure out what is going to happen next for me as I make my way towards my goal.

TrixieBelden said...

Congratulations! Your loss is awesome! And you have been working so hard! You rock!

Thanks for your pep talk post. It was quite inspiring. I have been a little lost lately about why I am losing weight. I think it is like what you said, for the health benefits, and that I'm not getting any younger! (Although I still get carded at restaurants :) I thought I was doing it for how I looked, but now I realize that it is more about how I feel. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the loss!! Thats awesome!! Things that keep me motivated are mainly my health. Being overweight I get these strange health problems that pop up every now and that and I hate it.

I have conquered the smoking so now its on to the bulge!!

Living to Feel Good said...

WooHoooo!! GREAT loss!! And a major high five for working out this week! We are rockin it!! :D

Terri said...

2lb loss is an awesome loss. Sorry to hear about the knee. Hope things get better.

Half Man said...

Great job on your weight loss. You are doing good :)

"The Captain" said...

2 lbs is solid. It's weeks like this, I had a good week also, that get you threw the weeks with 1 or 0 pounds.

pastgirl said...

Way to go on the loss!

My motivation: to be cute and healthy in my 40s and beyond (I'm 42, lost 50lbs in run-up to 40th b-day.

Anonymous said...

Your husband's observation about the 'fit' of your bike seems important. I know that most of us have one leg a bit longer than the other, so it stands to reason that a good bike would have to have pedal adjustments to accomodate this. I know I had to adjust the straps on my pilates machine to accomodate this. (I'll bet you compensate with your hips when you run, but that's another issue all together...)
Keep up the good work...
Emily (GatewayDreamer...Lessons, Thoughts, and Dreams)