Wednesday, October 04, 2006

comparing myself to others

How do you not compare yourself to others? Being in wt watchers as I see people get to goal an they will say "I lost 37 lbs. to get to goal" and I'm thinking either, 'man I have so much more weight to lose than she had to lose' or I think 'why did I let this get so out of hand'. Like first it was 30 then 40 then 50 then 60 and up up up after the baby was born. I know, I shouldn't beat myself up about it and am just glad that I'm getting a handle on it now. But why couldn't I when I was younger? Sometimes I would and get down to a reasonable wt and then go back up. I guess a lot was emotional eating and just not being able to figure out how or really want to live a healthy lifestyle. It was easy to just forget about it and not think about the weight and avoid the scale. This time I'm really looking at the why and trying I mean going to change it for good as I'm tired of this yo yo up and down and I want off!!! Also, been going to the gym a lot and can't help comparing myself to all those thin women jogging around the track! I look at everyone though and there are some mommies out there that need to lose a few but it's amazing that the majority are fit but I suppose that is they are long time regulars at the gym. I decided to change my goal wt from 150 down to 145. That's the max for wt watchers goal as I'm 5'4". But that is the goal for 45 yrs plus and I'm not that old yet. So, I may have to change to 140 but I won't till I get closer to that number which is a ways away. You can set a wt. goal higher if your doctor writes you a note or something. I thought 150 was doable cause I was there for quite a while way back when. So, in total, I need to lose 101 at this point to get to 145! arrrggghhh. I know I can do it so I better just get busy and get real about it!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's so overwhelming to think of that big number. As of now I'm working on a 25lb loss as my short term goal and I'll move on from there. It seems to be helping me.

*Christie* said...

Don't think about the long road ahead of you. You will go crazy. I am learning to break it down into manageable goals. But it's hard to just break it down into every 5 pounds or something, it seems pointless. Try to pick mini-goals that mean something to you.
I'm aiming for 239 as my first one because it would be below my lowest weight i remember (242) and into a new "decade" (the 230's). After that I'm going to aim for 225 because that's what it says on my driver's license ;) Then for 199 so that I will be officially in Onederland! Then for 175 because that is my goal that allows me and my family to go to Hawaii!!!!! Then to 150 because that is the weight that will make me feel NORMAL. And finally, ultimately, 138 to be in the top of the range for a healthy weight for my height.
WHEW... it is a lot of goals when you think of them altogether. It can be really intimidating. But by breaking it down into mini goals - and not just any mini goals but ones that matter to you - it gives you something concrete and more attainable to be working towards.

*Christie* said...

Geez was that comment long enough??? Sorry :/

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

I agree with christie.. I too had only one long goal.. and it is very daunting.. so I will set mini goals along the way... I just want to get out of the 90's (kilos)at this stage... (197.7 lbs)eeek.... Currently about 94.5KG (207lbs)that sound alot when you are used to using kilos... damn...
well this week I just want a loss... even a tiny one would be better than the gain I had last week...
and I have been drinking Scotch again fri and sat night...
I am weak... but I know in time we will all get to where we want to be...